Getting started with a personal blog is, I imagine, the greatest hurdle. What will I write, what will I say? I want it to be perfect, but alas perfection is an elusive, here I go, good and bad and in-between.
This blog is not exclusive to any one interest, but will serve to illuminate a life of varied interests. I am determined to keep opinions to a bare minimum, if any at all. Let's face it everyone has some, and although we each cherish our own, we may not find much meaning in each other's. I am determined to use this blog to inform, humor, and perhaps, if we are lucky to even enlighten the reader, if not even myself in the process. As I like photography I will try and have a new photo posted with each daily blog. I will also include a noteworthy quotation that may or may not pertain to the daily blog topic.
Why Tennessee Mudbug? I have, since my college days at Tennessee Tech University, held a fascination for and have studied the fascinating creatures we know as crayfish, crawdads, mudbugs. I was able to study them at TTU given my Fisheries Biology major. I furthered my interests while working at the Tennessee Aquarium with explorations of exhibit possibilities. I was even called upon to write a piece for our quarterly TN Aquarium magazine. I had pretty much free reign to investigate, collect, keep, photograph, and write about these crusty creatures that many know so little about. I have provided two links that will give even the most studious reader all and more information than one might ever need. Briefly...aside from the red Louisiana crawfish, widely known and eaten, are some 549 other species around the globe. Two "hotbeds" of species diversity are the southeastern U.S. with 330 species and Australia with 100 species. Tennessee is home to the greatest diversity of the 50 states, with some 78 species. The largest, The Giant Tasmanian Crayfish, is found in Tasmania. Specimens of this lobster sized critter have been recorded at over 500mm in length and in excess of 4kg. The smallest at slightly over an inch occurs in Queensland, Australia. The vast majority of all species live in either standing or flowing water, but some live ouside of submerged, aquatic environments in moist burrows. A few species spend entire lives in caves.
Well, that's all folks ! Day one...the whys and wheres...
Peace and blessings, Namaste, Shalom...Jeff (aka Tennessee Mudbug)
"Don't you wish there were a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence? There's one marked "Brightness," but it doesn't work." - Gallagher