Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Thanksgiving Story

Time again for another prompted writing exercise for Saturday Centus. The prompt is in bold italics. The rest is my creative response in 100 words or less. Please visit the other crafty responses at Saturday Centus.

It seemed forever since he'd seen his cousins in Tennessee. Mr. Tom T. Urkee needed a vacation, and what better place to spend Thanksgiving than with his wild mountain cousins. He left his home at Esbenshade Farms, hopped the "Pennsylvanian" in Lancaster headed for Philly, and then a quick transfer to the "Crescent" and points south.

The "Crescent" left the Pennsylvania Station about a quarter to four. Tom T. read a magazine, and then he was in Baltimore. He had dinner in the diner...nothing could be finer. Next stop, ham and eggs in Raleigh, North Carolina.

After breakfast, Tom paid the bill and walked directly to the ticket counter...

"Pardon me,said Tom T. Urkee, is that the Chattanooga Choo-Choo?"

"Yessir, Track 29".

Jenny Matlock


  1. Very clever! For some reason, this prompt made me think of that song too. But mine involved an old joke that used "cat who chewed your new shoes" and I just couldn't get it to work. This was great! Kat

  2. Aha! You are back, and as witty as ever!! I LOVE this!!

  3. Clever indeed! I ate ham and eggs in a diner in Raleigh once. Just thought I'd throw that in there...for no reason :D Very, very good use of the prompt!~Ames

  4. I remember Chattanooga Choo choo. It fit so perfectly. Nice to see you back. Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. I hope ol' Tom has a great trip. Clever story.

  6. My mind is churning with old song lyrics! What a clever story you created this week!

    I just posted my story. Please come by and check it out.


  7. Jeff, Glad to see you! As usual, your talent shines in this centus. Chattanooga Choo Choo, indeed!

    Ran across the Scottish Blessing you sent me a while back and printed it for a friend in crisis. It helped. Thanks.


  8. Well,I thought for sure you would comment on my post! Better get over to my blog, pal!!

  9. LOL! Thanks Jeff. That song is going to be on repeat in my brain for awhile! Very clever and original take on the prompt!

  10. Jeff! I love this! Wow! Happy, happy belated Thanksgiving!

    I totally enjoyed the rhythm of your writing here... it took me to 'dinner in the diner' to get it!

    I just read this to my husband and he loved it, too!

    Thanks, Jeff. You are wonderful!

  11. haha what a cool twist on things with a nice bit of humour :)

  12. What a clever SC! Lovely allusions to once popular songs! Very nice.
    Best wishes,

    Anna's SC wk 29
